Senior Sales
Others Permanent contract Bucuresti, Romania Reference 24000NQM Start date Immediately Publication date 2024 / 11 / 19
Despre noi :
BRD Asset Management , the leading investment company in Romania, is looking for a dynamic and driven professional to join our team, specializing in the sale and promotion of investment funds.
We value passion and dedication—qualities that drive success every day at BRD Asset Management. If you are eager to make an impact in the financial industry and grow with a market leader, we’d love to hear from you!
Responsabilitati :
Profil, cunostinte si experienta :
BRD se angajeaza sa promoveze diversitatea, echitatea si incluziunea . Suntem mandri sa oferim un mediu de lucru unde diversitatea de medii, culturi, idei si experiente stimuleaza inovatia si creativitatea.
Indiferent de identitate, candidatura si competentele tale vor fi analizate in mod obiectiv si echitabil. BRD este un angajator cu sanse egale , oferind oportunitati de cariera candidatilor si angajatilor, indiferent de gen, varsta, orientare sexuala, dizabilitati, religie, sau orice alta caracteristica individuala.
Diversity and Inclusion
We are an equal opportunities employer and we are proud to make diversity a strength for our company. Societe Generale is committed to recognizing and promoting all talents , regardless of their beliefs, age, disability, parental status, ethnic origin, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, membership of a political, religious, trade union or minority organisation, or any other characteristic that could be subject to discrimination. Share Senior Sales Permanent contract Bucuresti, Romania
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