De peste 60 de ani DRÄXLMAIER Group dezvoltă sisteme inovative pentru industria auto împreună cu cei peste 75.000 de angajați din întreaga lume. Aflată în top 100 furnizori ai industriei, compania asigură producătorilor auto de categoria premium componente electrice și electronice, sisteme de baterii, distributori inteligenți de energie, cablaje de înaltă tensiune și multi-voltage precum și sisteme complexe de interior. DRÄXLMAIER contribuie prin produsele și soluțiile de ultimă generație la mobilitatea viitorului cu zero emisii. Echipa de specialiști de talie internațională susține performanța tehnologică a Grupului prin inițiativă și dorința de a crea mereu ceva nou.
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Professional Education Trainer
ID Rechiziṭie : 127569
Locaṭie :
Satu Mare, RO, 440268
job-location.job-location-inline {display : inline;}
Tipul muncii : Full time
Tipul contractului : Nedeterminată
buttontext4102852916429ad9 a{ border : 1px solid transparent; } .buttontext4102852916429ad9 a : focus{ border : 1px dashed #0097ac !important; outline : none !important; }We are looking for a Technical Trainer – Dual Education- Electronics / Electrics for our plant from Satu Mare
Responsibilities :
Plan, organize, perform and monitor the training in the electrical trades (mechatronics, electronics technician for industrial engineering, electronics equipment and systems) and supervising the apprentices. Participation in the improvement and refinement of the Professional Education process;Technical, pedagogical supervision of apprentices - convey the required technical and interdisciplinary qualifications. Disciplinary leadership of apprentices. Verification of agreed apprenticeship content. Support the operational locations. Continuous review of the implementation of the education concept. Ensure the updating and verification of internal performance, performance at the operational departments and their curriculum. Making sure of the proper handling of assessment and training forms;To evaluate apprentices and perform the appraisal process in terms of the achievement of the required competencies in deviation needs and determine their potential, control results and create support measures. Propose disciplinary measures if necessary, recommendations for transferring;Participation in the creation of education sections and their contents for defined occupational groups. Define the training content, learning and teaching methods and resources for the apprenticeship sections. Planning and determination of operational locations. Supervise, advise and to support the education Commissioner. Planning of the operational use of apprentices;Contact with teachers of vocational schools and parents / guardian. Organize and perform the checks. Participation in audit committees;Cooperation with departments in determining the need for apprenticeships. Recruiting and supporting the selection of apprentices.Requirements :
College / University degree in Electrical Engineering or Electronics;Minimum 2 years experience in fields of electronics, electrical engineering, mechatronics and maintenance of production equipment;Good knowledge of electronic components (E.g., TTL, C-MOS, operating circuits, PLC knowledge); Excellent skills in handling and managing apprentices, trainees and employees;Good knowledge of Microsoft Office;Intermediate knowledge of English; German is an advantage;High communication and analytical skills, customer orientation and willingness to learn.Benefits :
Integration program in a professional & dynamic team;International development opportunities inspired by latest technology;Talent-oriented organizational culture.Dacă ești o persoană responsabilă care dorește sa facă parte dintr-o echipa dinamică care își desfășoară activitatea într-un mediu multinațional, trimite-ne aplicaţia ta.
Toate persoanele care corespund profilului, vor fi contactate in maxim 3 săptămâni.