
Jobs in Brasov, brasov, ro

Last updated: 1 day ago
Agent Vanzari Export (Franta)

Agent Vanzari Export (Franta)

Sales ConsultingBrașov, Brașov, .RO
Quick Apply
Since 1998, we've been active in the Human Resources consulting market, providing regional coverage across four key areas of expertise : recruitment and selection, personnel leasing, assessment cent...Show moreLast updated: 30+ days ago
Customer Support Representative - Slovenian - Romania

Customer Support Representative - Slovenian - Romania

JUJURBrașov, Brașov County, .RO
RON 30.00 hourly
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Our team is committed to deliver an honest and personal approach when it comes to recruitment solutions.Candidates and clients come to us as we take the time to really understand their needs.We are...Show moreLast updated: 8 days ago
IPU Strategic Buyer IT Category

IPU Strategic Buyer IT Category

Autoliv GroupBrașov, RO
Quick Apply
Autoliv is the world's largest automotive safety supplier having 44% market share, with sales to all major car manufacturers in the world. With 65,000 associates in 25 countries, we are passionate a...Show moreLast updated: 14 days ago
Internship - Industrial Engineering

Internship - Industrial Engineering

Vitesco TechnologiesBrasov, RO
RON 40.00 hourly
Our Industrial Engineering department in Brasov is looking for a new colleague to join the team!.What you will do as an Industrial Engineering Internship : . According support for technical cleanlines...Show moreLast updated: 30+ days ago
Account Manager (Brasov region)

Account Manager (Brasov region)

Hilti Groupbrasov, West, Romania
As an account manager, you’ll be out and about visiting our customers, wherever they’re busy working, to find out how we can help them. You could find yourself on construction sites or in offices an...Show moreLast updated: 30+ days ago
Research Software Python Data Engineer

Research Software Python Data Engineer

Waters CorporationBrasov, RO
Build python data pipelines that can handle data frames and matrices, ingest, transform, and store data using pythonic code practices. Create and maintain dashboards to monitor data health.Maintain ...Show moreLast updated: 30+ days ago
Warranty Engineer

Warranty Engineer

Autoliv RomaniaBrașov, RO
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Autoliv este lider global în sisteme de siguranță auto și este prezent în 25 de țări.În România, a fost fondat în 1997, unde dezvoltă, produce și comercializează airbag-uri, centuri de siguranță și...Show moreLast updated: 29 days ago
Flow Management Logistician with German

Flow Management Logistician with German

CapgeminiBrasov, RO
Competitive Salary & Benefits;.Knowledge and support from more experienced colleagues;.Respect for your private life and your choices. .All tools required for high performance in your field;.Res...Show moreLast updated: 30+ days ago
Business Analyst for ERP software solutions

Business Analyst for ERP software solutions

Axians Infoma Romania SRLBrașov, Kreis Brașov, Rumänien
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Business Analyst for ERP software solutions at Axians Infoma Romania SRL | softgarden.Business Analyst for ERP software solutions. As one of the leading software and consulting companies on the loc...Show moreLast updated: 30+ days ago
Vânzător Brașov, Str. Hărmanului

Vânzător Brașov, Str. Hărmanului

Lidl in DeutschlandSaturn, Strada, A, Brasov
RON 5,000.00 monthly
Împreună suntem Lidl, angajator de top pentru al 8-lea an consecutiv în România și pentru al 7-lea an în Europa.Vino alături de noi să faci parte dintr-o echipă pe care te poți baza, în care poți c...Show moreLast updated: 30+ days ago
Operator ambalare / procesare

Operator ambalare / procesare

IntersnackBrașov, RO
Verifică buna funcţionare a utilajelor, a instalațiilor și dispozitivelor liniei în condiţii optime de calitate și de securitate a muncii. Reglează și ajustează parametrii mașinilor de ambalat, robo...Show moreLast updated: 30+ days ago
Lucrator Universal Hiper

Lucrator Universal Hiper

Carrefour BelgiumBrasov, RO
Principalele tale responsabilități : .Îndrumarea clienților și ușurarea experienței la cumpărături;.Asigurarea un raion atractiv din punct de vedere comercial, pentru a facilita clienților procesul d...Show moreLast updated: 30+ days ago
Cadru Tehnic PSI part-time Brașov Stadionului (f / m)

Cadru Tehnic PSI part-time Brașov Stadionului (f / m)

KauflandBrașov (Brasov), RO
Contract de muncă pe durată nedeterminată cu un salariu ce pornește de la suma de ​0 lei brut​ (pentru un program de lucru de 4 ore / zi). Bonuri de masă, bonusuri operative variabile și creșteri sala...Show moreLast updated: 30+ days ago
  • Promoted
Aero Part Expert angajeaza Ajustor - debavurator

Aero Part Expert angajeaza Ajustor - debavurator

Angajator OLX Locuri de Muncabrasov, RO
Firma Aero Part Expert, cu sediul in Brasov, ce activeaza in domeniul prelucrarilor mecanice, frezare si strunjire piese de aluminiu si otel pentru industria aeronautica,.Angajam ajustor pentru fin...Show moreLast updated: 30+ days ago


Room 8 StudioBrasov, RO
Room 8 Studio is an international art production and game development outsourcing company that provides external services worldwide! We are proud to work with seven of ten global publishers, includ...Show moreLast updated: 30+ days ago


Trisoft GroupGherea, Brasov, RO
Brasov, Cluj-Napoca or Remote anywhere within Romania.What we expect from you : having a strong experience in effectively using Symfony and PHP. PSR means something to you;.English speaking & writing...Show moreLast updated: 30+ days ago
Engineering Manager

Engineering Manager

nShiftBrașov, Județul Brașov, .RO
SaaS), we enable the frictionless shipment and return of almost one billion shipments across 190 countries each year.We are headquartered in London and Oslo and have over 460 employees across offic...Show moreLast updated: 1 day ago
Senior .NET Developer M / F

Senior .NET Developer M / F

InetumBucharest and Brasov, hybrid , Rumanía
NET Developer to join our international development team that delivers first-class applications for our businesses and clients. Your role is to develop software applications according to the busines...Show moreLast updated: 30+ days ago
Senior DevOps Consultant with German

Senior DevOps Consultant with German

NTT DATABrasov, Sibiu, Timisoara, Romania
We provide 2nd Level Support for critical applications within the Quality System Management domain in the automotive industry for a major Bavarian company. The purpose is to maintain, control, monit...Show moreLast updated: 2 days ago
Consilier vânzări Braşov

Consilier vânzări Braşov

EEE none repeat scroll 0% 0%; line-height : 30px; padding : 0px 10px; color : #AAA;font-family : "verdana",Open Sans,sans-serif. }.ReqDescription { max-width : 100%; height : auto; align...Show moreLast updated: 30+ days ago
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Agent Vanzari Export (Franta)

Agent Vanzari Export (Franta)

Sales ConsultingBrașov, Brașov, .RO
30+ days ago
Job type
  • Quick Apply
Job description

Since 1998, we've been active in the Human Resources consulting market, providing regional coverage across four key areas of expertise : recruitment and selection, personnel leasing, assessment centers and consultancy. As leaders in Transylvania, we've expanded our reach to embrace a culture of continuous improvement, thereby strengthening our position in the Romanian and also regional market. This commitment underscores our dedication to evolve alongside the dynamic needs of our clients and the ever-changing landscape of the business environment.

Our success stems from the professionalism of our services, the multidisciplinary expertise of our consulting team and our ongoing collaboration with those who rely on our consultancy services.

Building long-term partnerships with clients across diverse industries such as IT&C, automotive, outsourcing, pharma, banking, FMCG and more, is our primary objective.

Our commitment to client orientation, teamwork, flexibility, excellence, dedication and responsibility reflects our aim to bring added value to our services.

Locatie : Mures

Sistem de munca : Hibrid

Domeniu : Tamplarie / PVC ( ferestre si usi)

Responsabilitati :

  • Organizeaza si implementeaza activitatea comerciala si vanzarea produselor companiei in zona arondata in conformitate cu Politica de Vanzari stabilita de companie;
  • Realizeaza obiectivul de vanzari in zona sa de acoperire si contribuie la realizarea obiectivului de profitabilitate a companiei in fiecare luna;
  • Raporteaza activtatea comerciala catre Directorul Comercial;
  • Promovarea companiei si a produselor clientilor existenti in zona arondata;
  • Prospectarea continua a clientilor potentiali in zona arondata;
  • Mentinerea in bune conditii a relatiilor comerciale cu clientii existenti din zona;
  • Dezvoltarea segmentului de clienti noi din regiunea sa conform Strategiei Comerciale a companiei;
  • Propunerea si stabilirea impreuna cu Directorul Comercial a planurilor de actiune si dezvoltare in vederea cresterii vanzarilor pentru regiunea sa;
  • Urmarirea zilnica a vanzarilor asigurandu-se ca obiectivele lunare ale clientlor din regiunea sa sunt indeplinite;
  • Efectuarea periodica a vizitelor la partenerii din zona in vederea realizarii obiectivului de vanzare;
  • Raportarea lunara a vanzarilor pentru fiecare client din regiunea sa catre Asistentul Comercial;
  • Urmarirea permanenta a activitatii concurentei in zona acoperita si transmiterea informatiilor relevante catre Directorul Comercial si Asistentul Comercial;
  • Colaborarea eficienta cu celelalte departamente pentru desfasurarea in bune conditii a activitatii.

Cerinte :

  • Absolvent studii superioare, de preferat;
  • Cunostinte Limba Franceza (nivel mediu-avansat : B2- C1 );
  • Cunostinte Limba Engleza (nivel intermediar : B1);
  • Cunostinte operare calculator (MS Office);
  • Experienta in vanzari B2B, de preferat;
  • Experienta vanzari in zona PVC, Aluminiu ideal, sau domeniu conex : constructii;
  • Permis de conducere categoria B;
  • Abilitati de negociere, persuasiune;
  • Abilitati de comunicare;
  • Abilitati de analiza;
  • Disponibilitate pentru a calatori extern- aproximativ 1 saptamana pe luna;
  • Disponibilitate pentru a calatori intern la sediul companiei : Targu- Mures